Genomics in Ageing and Disease
16th September 2024, University of Essex
The “Genomics in Ageing and Disease” workshop will be conducted in the University of Essex (Colchester, UK) on the 16th September, 2024. This one-day meeting follows from two previously successful events run at Essex in 2017 and 2019. This year our workshop will cover genomics research in diseaase and ageing, and it is organised by the Genomics and Computational Biology Group at the University of Essex. The registration is free but mandatory. Please SUBMIT your abstract (submission not yet opened, watch the space).
Keynote speaker:
Peter Fraser (Enhanc3D Genomics)
Invited speakers:
Aimee Parker (Quadram Institute)Gabriella Ficz (Barts Cancer Institute / QMUL)
Anton Enright (University of Cambridge)
Raheleh Rahbari (Sanger Institute)
Özgen Deniz (Barts Cancer Institute / QMUL)
Jordana Bell (King’s College London)
Sarah Marzi (King's College London)
Organizing committee
Timothy BarrowLeo Schalkwyk
Benjamin Skinner
Vladimir Teif
Patrick Varga-Weisz
Antonio Marco