Chromatin and epigenetics:
from single-cells to multicellular systems
13th September 2019, University of Essex
The “Chromatin and Epigenetics” workshop will be conducted in the University of Essex (Colchester, UK) on the 13th September, 2019. This one-day meeting follows a previous successful event run at Essex in 2017 ( This year our workshop will cover all levels of epigenetic regulation in chromatin with a special focus on 3D genome organisation, co-organised by the Genomics and Computational Biology Group at the University of Essex and the COST action “International Nucleome Consortium". The registration is free but mandatory. Please SUBMIT your abstract before the 8th of August (extended!). The program is available as a PDF.
Keynote Speaker:
Julie Ahringer (Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge)
Invited speakers:
Sara Buonomo (University of Edinburgh)Nick Gilbert (MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine)
Lars Jansen (University of Oxford)
Organizing committee
Radu ZabetPatrick Varga-Weisz
Vladimir Teif
Leonard Schalkwyk
Antonio Marco