Genomics, Epigenetics and Gene Regulation
14th September 2017, University of Essex
The ‘Genomics, Epigenetics and Gene Regulation Symposium’, sponsored by The Genetics Society, aims to gather researchers to present their work on this fast growing field. This one-day symposium will cover DNA-based regulation (chromatin and methylation) and RNA-based gene regulation (regulatory RNAs). Registration is free. Abstracts are accepted for submission (deadline: 25th of June).
Keynote Speaker: Professor Anne Ferguson-Smith (U. Cambridge)
Invited speakers:
Prof. Tamas Dalmay (UEA)Dr. Alessia Buscaino (U. Kent)
Prof. Boris Lenhard (Imperial C.L.)
Organizing committee
Antonio MarcoPradeepa Madapura
Radu Zabet
Andrea Hatlen
Scientific committee
Alessia Buscaino (University of Kent)Tamas Dalmay (University of East Anglia)
Pradeepa Madapura
Antonio Marco
Jordi Paps
Leo Schalkwyk
Vladimir Teif
Radu Zabet